Pursuing worship, service, and communities of justice, we are the Presbytery of Chicago, flourishing together by relating people, neighbors, and churches to one another in Christ Jesus.

Chicago Presbytery took action in 2019 to become a Matthew 25 Presbytery — one of 93 presbyteries in the PC(USA) to do so. We are working to dismantle systemic poverty, dismantle structural racism, and build up congregational vitality.


Upcoming Events

Presbytery Meetings

Around the Presbytery

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First Presbyterian Church of Evanston is looking for a Youth Ministry Director to develop and oversee and fun and engaging curriculum for grades 6-12.
Find the job description on our website and in the newsletter.

First Presbyterian Church of Evanston is looking for a Youth Ministry Director to develop and oversee and fun and engaging curriculum for grades 6-12.
Find the job description on our website and in the newsletter.

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Damos gracias a Dios por el Taller para Ancianas y Ancianos Gobernantes, Diaconisas y Diáconos de las Iglesias Presbiterianas Hispanas Latinas del Presbiterio de Chicago, celebrado ayer sábado, 8 febrero 2025 en la Iglesia Presbiteriana Clement en Cicero, Illinois. Damos gracias a Dios por el apoyo del Presbiterio de Chicago para este evento y otros programas que realizamos en conjunto durante el año para la gloria de Dios. 
We thank God for the Workshop for Ruling Elders and Deacons of the Hispanic Latino Presbyterian Churches of the Presbytery of Chicago, held yesterday, Saturday, February 8, 2025, at Clement Presbyterian Church in Cicero, Illinois. We thank God for the support of the Presbytery of Chicago for this event and other programs we hold together throughout the year for the glory of God.

Damos gracias a Dios por el Taller para Ancianas y Ancianos Gobernantes, Diaconisas y Diáconos de las Iglesias Presbiterianas Hispanas Latinas del Presbiterio de Chicago, celebrado ayer sábado, 8 febrero 2025 en la Iglesia Presbiteriana Clement en Cicero, Illinois. Damos gracias a Dios por el apoyo del Presbiterio de Chicago para este evento y otros programas que realizamos en conjunto durante el año para la gloria de Dios.

We thank God for the Workshop for Ruling Elders and Deacons of the Hispanic Latino Presbyterian Churches of the Presbytery of Chicago, held yesterday, Saturday, February 8, 2025, at Clement Presbyterian Church in Cicero, Illinois. We thank God for the support of the Presbytery of Chicago for this event and other programs we hold together throughout the year for the glory of God.

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Have you registered for our February 20 Presbytery meeting yet? Join us at Second Presbyterian Church of Chicago at 10:30 as we gather in community to pour love, life and resources into our collective life together. We will live into our theme of CREATE through the lens of “Creating Community in Solidarity.” 

Have you registered for our February 20 Presbytery meeting yet? Join us at Second Presbyterian Church of Chicago at 10:30 as we gather in community to pour love, life and resources into our collective life together. We will live into our theme of CREATE through the lens of “Creating Community in Solidarity.”

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Join us on Wednesday at noon for "I Wish My Seminary Taught Me How to Be a Stand-Up Comic" as we learn about the connections between comedy and communication. This Zoom conversation is led by Associate Executive Presbyter Rev. Dr. Barbara Wilson and Rev. Samuel Son, Manager of Professional Development and DEI at Interim Unified Agency of the PC(USA).
More info & registration on our website and in the newsletter.

Join us on Wednesday at noon for "I Wish My Seminary Taught Me How to Be a Stand-Up Comic" as we learn about the connections between comedy and communication. This Zoom conversation is led by Associate Executive Presbyter Rev. Dr. Barbara Wilson and Rev. Samuel Son, Manager of Professional Development and DEI at Interim Unified Agency of the PC(USA).
More info & registration on our website and in the newsletter.

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On Sunday, Jana Blazek preached at @edgewaterpcusa in Chicago and co-lead worship with Kristin Hutson.

On Sunday, Jana Blazek preached at @edgewaterpcusa in Chicago and co-lead worship with Kristin Hutson. ...

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Curious about progress on the long-anticipated Barack Obama Presidential Center? In celebration of Black History Month, Friends of Historic Second Church is hosting a FREE event with Josh Harris, VP of Public Engagement at the Obama Foundation, co-sponsored by Glessner House and Quinn Chapel AME. Watch online or join our viewing party at @2ndpresbyterian in the South Loop on Wednesday, February 12 at 7pm. Registration is required on Second's website.

Curious about progress on the long-anticipated Barack Obama Presidential Center? In celebration of Black History Month, Friends of Historic Second Church is hosting a FREE event with Josh Harris, VP of Public Engagement at the Obama Foundation, co-sponsored by Glessner House and Quinn Chapel AME. Watch online or join our viewing party at @2ndpresbyterian in the South Loop on Wednesday, February 12 at 7pm. Registration is required on Second`s website. ...

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Rev. Charlene Hill, pastor at United Church of Hyde Park, joined the Church Triumphant on January 27.

A loving mom, daughter, cousin, colleague and trusted friend, Charlene touched many lives with her words of wisdom, generosity, thoughtfulness and friendship. She brought joy and warmth to everyone around her.

There will be a gathering to celebrate her life  on February 22, 2025, at 11:00 AM at Bryn Mawr Community Church, 7000 S. Jeffery Blvd, Chicago, IL 60649. All family and friends are invited to join in remembering Charlene Michelle Hill and sharing stories of her remarkable life.

Rev. Charlene Hill, pastor at United Church of Hyde Park, joined the Church Triumphant on January 27.

A loving mom, daughter, cousin, colleague and trusted friend, Charlene touched many lives with her words of wisdom, generosity, thoughtfulness and friendship. She brought joy and warmth to everyone around her.

There will be a gathering to celebrate her life on February 22, 2025, at 11:00 AM at Bryn Mawr Community Church, 7000 S. Jeffery Blvd, Chicago, IL 60649. All family and friends are invited to join in remembering Charlene Michelle Hill and sharing stories of her remarkable life.

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From Iglesia Presbiteriana Clement: 
Damos gracias a Dios por el Segundo Retiro de nuestro grupo de líderes con personal del Presbiterio en el Programa de Nuevos Comienzos (New Beginnings) en el cual participa nuestra congregación por segundo año. El mismo fue realizado en las oficinas del Presbiterio de Chicago en Elk Grove Village, Illinois.

We thank God for the Second Retreat of our group of leaders and staff of the Presbytery of Chicago in the New Beginnings Program in which our congregation participates for the second year. It was held at the offices of the Presbytery of Chicago in Elk Grove Village, Illinois.

From Iglesia Presbiteriana Clement:
Damos gracias a Dios por el Segundo Retiro de nuestro grupo de líderes con personal del Presbiterio en el Programa de Nuevos Comienzos (New Beginnings) en el cual participa nuestra congregación por segundo año. El mismo fue realizado en las oficinas del Presbiterio de Chicago en Elk Grove Village, Illinois.

We thank God for the Second Retreat of our group of leaders and staff of the Presbytery of Chicago in the New Beginnings Program in which our congregation participates for the second year. It was held at the offices of the Presbytery of Chicago in Elk Grove Village, Illinois.

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Presbytery Assembly

Have you registered for our February 20 Presbytery meeting yet? Join us at Second Presbyterian Church of Chicago at 10:30 as we gather in community to pour love, life, and resources into our collective life together. 
Newly added: Assembly Meeting Packet and Orientation Video

This Week's Blog

Read this week’s blog “The Call to Use Our Privilege for Justice” by Rev. RJ Kang, pastor of Palatine Presbyterian Church

Leadership Conference

Join us for a powerful day of learning and connection at the Chicago Presbytery Leadership Conference on March 8 from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM at the College of DuPage Conference Center.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee has a new form for you to nominate a teaching elder or ruling elder to presbytery teams and committees. Nominate someone you think has gifts that will serve the presbytery — or nominate yourself!

From Craig Howard

“From Craig Howard” is a weekly blog written by Executive Presbyter, Dr. Craig M. Howard.

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