2024 Salary Supplement Grant Application
This Presbytery-funded program is available to qualified congregations, as determined by written application, guided by the rationale below. Applications are accepted by May 1 of each year. The program has an anticipated 3-year enrollment, but does require a form of application each year and is subject to Mission Committee approval each year. Acceptance into the Salary Supplement program requires a significant commitment of time and energy from Pastors and congregations, as participation in an intensive, guided examination of your church life is the foundation of the program. Funding is annually, in December of each year.
Program Rationale:
The best way to redevelop a congregation is to be sure that they have inspired, trained and focused leadership. Presbyterian congregations are designed to work best with a pastor and session working in tandem with each other. A pastor and congregation constantly worrying about money have less focus on God’s call to them to live into the future. In order to address this need for assistance with operating funds, the Presbytery of Chicago will provide funding from its 21st Century Fund to support churches who qualify, according to the following guidelines. Note: any grants from the Presbytery or other sources herein will be considered to be outside of the percentages required in this grant program.
Qualifications for a Congregation:
- The congregation has less than $300,000 in unrestricted investments, endowments, memorial funds, etc.
- The congregation has a total budget of under $250,000 and has a budget that has balanced income and expenses.
- While participating in the Salary Supplement program, the congregation must commit to submitting its per capita payments in full and to contributing to general mission giving and/or special offerings through the PCUSA.
- While participating in the Salary Supplement program, the congregation must also commit to submitting its annual statistical report to the PCUSA.
- Worship attendance or attendance at children’s/youth midweek or other programs averages at least 60% of the membership of the congregation per week.
- The congregation has a system in place for accurately tracking and reporting worship attendance.
- At least 25% of worship attendees are under the age of 60 and at least 10% of worship attendees are new to the congregation in the last five years. Note: this excludes Christmas/Easter or other special worship services.
- The congregation has some kind of outreach to the community – food pantry, tutoring program, free use of the church’s space by not for profits, etc.
- No more than 25% of the church’s income comes from rental to other
- No more than 25% of the church’s income comes from investments or savings
- The congregation has an annual stewardship campaign and system for tracking
- The session has its session records reviewed by the Presbytery
- The congregation has by-laws that reflect its current
- The congregation is up to date on any loan payments either to a local bank or to a PCUSA entity.
- Prior to approval, the session will be required to complete the Demographic Report provided by PCUSA, found HERE.
- As part of the program, the congregation will participate in the New Beginnings program provided by the Pastors and congregational leaders will participate in the study and coaching provided, and the coaching will include making a plan for the end of this funding.
- The session will also report to or meet with the Mission Committee annually to demonstrate progress within the New Beginnings program and to determine suitability for subsequent years of funding.
Qualifications of the Pastor:
- The pastor will be PCUSA Minister of Word and Sacrament or Commissioned Pastor or a pastor in a denomination as mentioned in G-2.0505.
- The call will be full-time and will meet all of the Presbytery requirements for full- time calls. The funding provided through this program may be used to bring the call to full-time status.
- The pastor’s Boundary Training will be up to date.
- The pastor will use his or her Continuing Education time each year and will report on the content of the continuing education to the session.
- The pastor is actively engaged in the life of the Presbytery: attendance at assembly meetings and service on at least one Presbytery entity.
Funding Sources and Parameters:
- The funds for this program will come from the 21st Century Church Fund and other legacy funds in the Presbytery.
- Sessions may request up to 50% of effective salary and BOP benefits each year, for up to three years.
- At the end of the three years, the session may not apply for additional funds through the 21st Century Church Fund for 10 years.
- Once formal application has been received by the Mission Committee, an in- person (or video) meeting will be scheduled with the Executive Presbyter and a member of the Presbytery’s Mission Committee. Pastor and finance, mission and personnel chairs will be expected to attend. Application, related financial documents and New Beginnings component will be discussed at this time.
- As noted above, congregations will be required to complete the Demographic Report provided by PCUSA in advance of this meeting.
- Recommendations from this group will inform the Mission Committee, which will review all applications and determine suitability for funding at its regularly scheduled meeting in August.
- Once approved, each year’s cohort of Salary Supplement congregations will be enrolled in the New Beginnings program, a multi-phase evaluation, leadership development and discernment effort which will engage a minimum of 50% of the congregation over the course of the first year. This is a very labor-intensive process involving several large and small group gatherings, evening and weekend meetings, and full-day retreats as you all work together to plan a bold new future for your congregation.
Please note: Additional Resources That May Be Available
In addition to the Salary Supplement program, there are additional resources from the Board of Pensions which may apply to some pastors and/or congregations. These programs are separate from the Mission Committee’s programs and have a different application process for qualified pastors and/or congregations. (They will be required to apply for these grants if the congregation or pastor meet the criteria):
- Minister Educational Debt Assistance: for qualifying pastors, this provides up to $5000 to help retire educational debt.
- Sabbath Sabbatical Grant: for qualifying pastors, this provides up to $3000 for a sabbatical of at least 4 weeks.
- Transition to College Grant: this grant is used by college freshmen children of pastors and provides $500-$1000 for the purchase of a computer, etc.
Additionally, there are also resources available through the Director of Collaboration and Community Partnerships. The session will be required to meet with the Director to explore which of these resources may be of benefit to their congregation.
Questions? Email the Salary Supplement Program.