Request to Contribute to Presbytery Assembly

We are working toward a more cohesive and collaborative process as we plan and develop upcoming Presbytery Assembly Meetings. Someone from the Presbytery Assembly Planning Committee will follow up with that in mind.

This form invites you to share a bit about the topic you want to share with the Presbytery Assembly and why. Everyone wanting to host a table or share during the meeting is asked to use this form — whether you are a committee sharing your report or a pastor wanting to share something exciting from the congregation you serve.

This is an attempt to treat Assembly Meetings like an open source. There are things happening in the life of your faith community that we don’t know about – but we want to! We’re also dreaming about opportunities to share stories that will include panel discussions, an interview series, and ministry highlights. In addition, we invite you to share your creative gifts, whether it be in the form of music, art, or liturgy.