Ministry: Second Presbyterian Church Chicago

Position type: Transitional/Interim Pastor

City: Chicago


Leadership and administrative skills are required and include the following:

The ability to identify and initiate efforts that may assist in improving current activities of the congregation. Facilitating change(s) will require skills in team building and demonstrating sensitive listening skills that universally respect the speaker(s).

The ability to engage in creative dialogue with Session, the Board of Deacons, and others, to enhance and expand Strategies that further community engagement. Becoming familiar with existing church- based committees and community activities in addition to liaising with local community groups in the South Loop, Chinatown, and Bronzeville areas are required.

Administrative skills include supervision of the church administrator and sexton. Weekly meetings will be convened to discuss and approve proposed activities in addition to offering guidance as needed that can assist in evaluating their work. Timesheets will be approved and signed bi-weekly and periodic written evaluations will be completed. Monitor the church calendar for possible conflicts or alternatives.

Gifts and training the congregation would require are consistent demonstration(s) that they are a prayerful person who brings appropriate uplifting messages into every occasion, with the congregation, and the community. This includes bringing solace to those who are ill or isolated through prayer and personal engagement. Training that exhibits a thorough knowledge of the scripture is required. The ability to be an enlightened interpreter of the scriptures that will bring both new meaning and personal challenge to every sermon is welcomed. As the congregation is moving toward new leadership, this individual should actively support the work of the Pastoral Nominating Committee (PNC), but not being directly involved with their work, and assisting in the preparation and welcoming of a new pastor.

How To Apply:

Email resume to

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