The Ripple Effect
The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land that I will show you. I will...
Summer Mental Health Movie Event
Hello Teaching Elders! Each month we've been recommending movie selections that center around some aspect of mental health. Recently we recommended...
June Films for Tough Times
The hot summer is near, when emotions can take a tumble, with lots of people interacting closely. Scientific research reports that after 95...
Lessons from an Amish E-Bike Mechanic
Or don’t you know that all who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? Therefore, we were buried together with him through...
Presbyterian Church of Western Springs Hosts Art Exhibit
The Presbyterian Church of Western Springs is seeking several other churches in the Presbytery that might like also to host an indoor exhibit of...
May Films for Tough Times
A growing concern in our culture today has to do with the way more people are allowing their emotions to disrupt and disrespect others around them. ...
Chicagoland Christians United for the Care of Creation: Declaration Installation
Chicagoland Christians United for the Care for Creation is honored that the Archdiocese of Chicago will archive the Declaration for the Care of...
Contribute to Presbytery Assembly
We are working to make our assembly gatherings engaging and meaningful for people in person and online. One way we’re doing this is to collaborate...
Nominating Form for Presbytery Committees
The Nominating Committee has a new way for you to nominate a teaching elder or ruling elder to presbytery teams and committees. Use...
Civil Rights Trail Pilgrimage
Fri Oct 18 - Sun Oct 27 New Orleans | Jackson | Montgomery |Birmingham Trip co-leaders: Robert Crouch, Beth Freese Dammers, Nanette Sawyer Community...
Migrant Accompaniment Partnership Grants
A message from PDA Are congregations and local partners in your presbytery involved in ministries with refugees, asylum seekers, or other newcomers...
Review of Session and Congregational Meeting Minutes and Church Registers
Dear Clerks of Sessions – of Chicago Presbytery Churches, On behalf of the Presbytery of Chicago, and the Session of your congregation, please...