Resurrection Cultivation Grant Application


The Church is present and true when it witnesses Christ’s saving death and resurrection in the community and the world. Resurrection brings forth new life and wholeness. The Presbytery of Chicago is a faithful witness to the resurrection when supporting congregations seeking to cultivate new life by preparing soil, nurturing seeds, and producing the fruit of love, healing, connection, and growth in their congregation and community.

The 21st Century Fund is supported by dissolved congregations that understood their life and mission have ended. These congregations closed, knowing their assets would be invested into resurrecting life for New Worshipping Communities, church revitalization, and church redevelopment projects. The Resurrection Cultivation Grant Application is the pathway for access to these funds.

Definitions of Redevelopment and Revitalization

Church Redevelopment refers to a partial change of use of church building space while not ceasing to function as a place of worship, mission, and ministry. Redevelopment will almost inevitably involve new partnerships with non-church operators, developers, and investors. Some examples are the cost of a consultant to help and organize the church to meet with community leaders to determine new uses for an old education building. Or, the cost of health professionals using the fellowship hall as a community health program.

Church Revitalization

Church revitalization is a project or program that helps to lead a dying church back to a healthy state. This includes restoring the church’s purpose where the Word of God is truly preached and heard, the Sacraments are rightly administered, and ecclesiastical discipline is uprightly ministered.

Revitalization may include congregations reorganizing and partnering with another congregation in a merger, yoke, or absorption. Revitalization may use consultants to advise and direct the actions of the session and congregation. For example, hiring consultants to help a congregation determine its mission and future in the community.

The Redevelopment or Revitalization grant cannot be applied to:

  • Rehab or renovation projects for the benefit of the congregation
  • Personnel, staffing, or employees hired by the congregation

Share the financial details

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What is the vision of the congregation?

Max. file size: 15 MB.

How does this project connect the congregation to the community?