Leadership Conference

2024 Chicago Presbytery Leadership Conference
This event is being rescheduled for Spring 2025 – More information coming soon!

Faithfulness in an Election Year: Working for Justice, Loving Others, and Walking Humbly with God
Scripture Focus: Micah 6:8 and Matthew 25

Keynote Speaker:
Rev. Dr. Diane Moffett
President and Executive Director
Presbyterian Mission Agency

What is the Leadership Conference? This one-day conference will focus on equipping our leaders with the tools and knowledge necessary to navigate the challenges and opportunities of ministry effectively. In addition to workshops centered around the Matthew 25 movement, we will offer sessions covering practical, theological, and financial topics, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience for all participants

Who should attend? This conference is for all leaders in congregations — including pastors, Christian educators, ruling elders, deacons, trustees, those serving committees such as finance or business, and congregation members who may not hold leadership positions.

Cost: $20
Continental breakfast, lunch, and a day of learning and fellowship included!
A childcare stipend is available.


Meet the planning team: 

John Chu
Pastor, Faith Community Presbyterian Church Chicago

Thom Cunningham
Director of Faith Formation & Mission, First Presbyterian Church of Deerfield

Barbara Gorsky
Interim Associate Pastor, First Presbyterian Church of Arlington Heights

Julian Marshall
Co-moderator of the Wellness Committee/Ministry, New Deliverance Church

Joyce Perry
Ruling Elder, Broadview Community Presbyterian Church

Julio Peña
Pastor, Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church Chicago

Joy Douglas Strome
Honorably retired

Barbara Wilson
Associate presbyter