Migrant Accompaniment Partnership Grants

A message from PDA

Are congregations and local partners in your presbytery involved in ministries with refugees, asylum seekers, or other newcomers who are in vulnerable situations? Presbyterian Disaster Assistance’s Migration Accompaniment Ministries continues to offer special project grants (also known as Partnership Grants) four times a year to support local refugee and migrant related ministries with PC(USA) mid councils. These grants can include support for PC(USA) congregations and work with local non-profit partners or coalitions in which local Presbyterian congregations/volunteers are directly involved. Our current deadline is May 1. Additional deadlines are September 9for fall funding and November 4 for funds to be available by January 1, 2025.

The Migration Accompaniment Ministries grant team will continue to receive emergency grant requests of $7500 or less on a rolling basis, similar to PDA emergency requests for natural and human caused disasters.

If you have any questions about these deadlines or wish to receive the grant forms, please contact Susan Krehbiel, Associate for Migration Accompaniment Ministries, and/or find general information about PDA’s Migration Accompaniment Ministries.