General Assembly Top 10

Here are the Top Ten (in no particular order), which we think will impact our Chicago Presbytery churches and members:

1. The GA Per Capita Rate – in 2023, the GA annual per capita rate will go from $8.98 to $9.85. The total 2022 total per capita rate for our presbytery is $36.00. Read more here:  and  


2. An updated statement on the PCUSA stance on Israel / Palestine, including our prayers for peace.  Read more here: and


3. All presbyteries will be asked to approve new minimum Terms of Call for pastors and associate pastors, which the GA voted to include 12 weeks of paid family leave.  Read more about it:


4. In line with our presbytery CARE Commission, and the Matthew 25 emphasis, the GA continues to dismantle systemic racism.  Read more here:  and here:


5. With the tragic event in Highland Park on July 4th, the GA continues to call for an end to gun violence:


6. The Race and Gender committee urged the GA to apologize for the sin of slavery and repair the lasting breach of racism, including a “Litany of Repentance” which was spoken by White Christians, and a push for more installed pastors at congregations of color:  and


7. Presbyteries will be asked to vote on a new Rules of Discipline, to be renamed “Church Discipline,” including recommendations from the Survivors of Sexual Misconduct Task Force:


8. The Assembly took action to reject government attempts to limit abortion care and contraceptives.  Read more here:


9. A Commission was formed to work toward the unification of the Office of the General Assembly and the Presbyterian Mission Agency, along with work for a new funding model for the PCUSA:


10. The meeting of the 226th GA will be a mirror image of the 225th GA, with committee meetings held on Zoom and the large plenary gatherings in person, in Salt Lake City, saving the church over $835.000: