Charged and Installed


Tomorrow is our stated presbytery assembly. I’m excited to hear the words of Dr. Ken Sawyer as our preacher for the afternoon. In addition, the entire presbytery will be updated on the great work of our committees, commissions, task forces, and teams are doing. My hope is that you will take the time to attend and participate.

At this assembly, we will have the installation of officers, moderators, GA commissioners, and myself as your presbytery leader. In his daily meditation at the Center for Action and Contemplation, Richard Rohr writes, “Despite everything that conspires to deny this truth, each one of us is of immense worth, of infinite value because God loved us . . . [Richard: As Bishop Tutu told me when I met him, ‘We are only the light bulbs, Richard, and our job is just to remain screwed in!’]” These words recognize the value and uniqueness we all have as children of God. Installation recognizes God’s anointing upon us for the particular work of this entity.

I would translate Bishop Tutu’s words in this way, “We are the lightbulbs that are installed, and our job is just to remain connected!”

Rev. Virstan Choi once said to me, “People will teach you how to be their pastor, if you are willing to listen.” The same applies to being your presbytery leader. You are teaching me how to be your leader, and what you need from my leadership. But it only happens if I listen, if I stay connected.

My charge to all who are being installed is that we stay connected to the life of the presbytery. Beyond attending and participating in the meetings of our entities, this also means listening to the concerns of our members and finding creative ways to respond. It also means questioning our ways of doing business as usual, while recognizing we are in unusual times. We have permission to show extraordinary care, while receiving exceptional grace. We are the light of the world, let’s make sure we stay screwed in and connected!

Craig. M. Howard